Legal Status
The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (registered charity)
The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under English law. Such a company has no share capital and no shareholders and operates in a not-for-profit manner. The CCDC is registered in England as Company Number 2155347. The registered office is at 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ.
The CCDC is financially self-supporting, recovering its costs from:
- Contributions from academia and industry for access to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) System – the worldwide repository for small-molecule crystal structures.
- Revenue from sales and maintenance agreements for other software products in the life sciences and crystallography.
- Occasional grants from industry and other sources to support specific software developments or research projects.
- Consultancy in the form of contract research, solutions consultancy, or training.
The CCDC also has charitable status as Registered Charity Number 800579 granted by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. This is in recognition of the scientific objectives of the organization and ensures that all income earned by the company is applied for the benefit of science.
The CCDC is guided and overseen by an international Board of Trustees, comprised principally of distinguished scientists drawn from a variety of relevant disciplines, but with some Board members having legal and financial expertise. The CCDC Trustees are appointed for 4-year terms. No trustee may serve for more than two consecutive terms.
CCDC Services Ltd
CCDC Services Ltd (formerly CCDC Software Ltd) is a wholly owned trading subsidiary of the CCDC. It was established in 1998 to develop bespoke scientific software to support CCDC’s charitable remit. The software packages it developed over the years have now been integrated into CSD product suites. In recent years, it has focused on providing professional services using CSD tools and in-house expertise. Its name was formally changed from CCDC Software Ltd to CCDC Service Ltd in 2019.
CCDC Services Ltd Is located at the same address as the CCDC.
Established in September 2013, CCDC Inc is a wholly owned service subsidiary of the CCDC. It has a registered office in Boston, MA in the US. It provides sales support and scientific and technical services to the CCDC community across the Americas, which represents nearly 40% of worldwide total revenues. CCDC Inc is a standard US corporation.
CCDC Inc doesn’t have a physical office. Its staff is located in different states throughout the US.