Introducing our CSD Champions
It is my pleasure to introduce you to our new CSD Champions. They are a network of volunteers who have committed to provide us feedback and guidance to help shape our education and outreach strategy.
Who are our CSD Champions? What is the goal of the initiative? Read further to find out more.
What is a CSD Champion?
As a non-native English speaker, my first thought when hearing the word “champion” is “victorious,” someone who won a competition. While many of our CSD Champions are indeed experts of the CSD, they were not put to test nor had to win a battle to get this title. We are rather using the other meaning of “champion,” which is “strong advocate, supporter.”
Our new CSD Champions are certainly enthusiastic individuals, passionate about structural chemistry and the CSD and eager to share this with the rest of the community. Not only are they eager, but they are willing and committed to helping their community grow and best utilize CSD tools. For example, they may advice the CCDC on how we can best organize training, disseminate news and information, and encourage others to explore the CSD for their research and teaching in their regions.
Most CSD Champions represent one country and so are an important reference for us to understand the needs of their regional communities and support them better. We believe they will be a bridge to make the CCDC connection with the community even stronger and to create new collaborations.
Why create a network of CSD Champions?
The CSD Champions we selected are already advocating for the CSD, so why create this network?
We wanted to recognize their work and, at the same time, empower them by providing a platform for them to give us feedback, suggestions and a place to share ideas. This is so important: a connected network, rather than individual collaborations, has the benefits of generating more ideas and inspiring each other.
For us at the CCDC, engaging and supporting our community is of primary importance. Community is indeed the first on the list of our values. Our CSD Champions will strengthen this by helping us to educate and support the CSD community all over the world, and they will also be a voice for their region—helping us to better reach you, our users.
Our CSD Champions
Finally, I am delighted to share with you our first CSD Champions to join the initiative!
World map showing the locations of CSD champions and their photo
As you can see from the map, the first 23 CSD Champions who are joining the network cover 25 countries and a variety of different time zones. While this will make scheduling meetings tricky, it will give us a precious connection with communities all over the world.
Click here to meet our CSD Champions and learn more about them.
Is your region represented?
As you can see, we started this initiative with a small group of CSD Champions, and we will explore with them how to work together and grow the network.
Is your region missing a representative? Would you be a good candidate for a CSD Champion in your region or do you know someone who would be a good candidate for the role? Then please get in touch and let us know by sending an email to