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What should I do if I experience an error during deposition that prevents me from adding checkCIF alert responses?



If you encounter an error during deposition that prevents you from adding checkCIF alert responses, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete your deposition: Proceed with the deposition process as usual.
  2. Record your Deposition Number: Once your data is assigned a Deposition Number, make sure to note it down please provide the date and time of the deposition along with the file name.
  3. Submit your responses: Email your checkCIF alert responses to deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk using the following format:




PROBLEM:  Atom C(6B) has ADP max/min ratio ............ 5.20          


           Atom C6 of the ring (B) was found to be disordered; see



  1. Manual addition: We will manually incorporate this information into the CIF file to ensure that reviewers can access it for peer review purposes.

For further information on checkCIF alerts, please visit this page.

Please ensure you provide the deposition number (or date/time and file name) and specify which alert each response pertains to.

This issue has been added to our development backlog for future resolution.