​​The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
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What should I do if checkCIF/PLATON times out during the web deposit process?


​There is a possibility that the IUCr’s checkCIF/PLATON service may time out at times of high demand. To minimise the impact this may have on you when you are depositing data we have set a 2-minute time-out per structure for reports to be generated. If the checkCIF/PLATON service exceeds this limit for your structures then a message to say “error generating checkCIF report” will be displayed. If you do experience any issues when running the checkCIF/PLATON service then please go back to the first page of the web deposit form and uncheck the ‘I wish to run the IUCr checkCIF/PLATON service on my data’ box. You will then be able to submit your files to the CCDC without generating checkCIF/PLATON reports.