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How do I activate the software for all users?


N.B. If you are using a licence key rather than a local licence server, activating the software for all users requires an internet connection. This is because technically, a system-wide activation just sets the software up to activate itself automatically when a user launches it, but this requires communication with the Cryptlex licence server used by CCDC.

There are two approaches to system-wide activation.


It is possible to license the software using an environment variable and this will override any other licence configuration. A system administrator can use this mechanism to set the environment variable on a system-wide level, thereby granting access for all users. The CCDC_LICENSING_CONFIGURATION variable can be set in two ways:

A licence key can be used to automatically activate CCDC programs by setting


A local floating licence server can be used by setting


where myserver is the server hostname or IP address or your local licence server, and 1234 is
the port it is using.

To set up a local licence server, please send a request to support@ccdc.cam.ac.uk with your 36-character activation key and the operating system you intend to install the server on.

ccdc_activator -A command

Another approach is to use the command line activation tool ccdc_activator with the -A option. This will set up a system file ApplicationServices.ini with the details of the activation key or local licence server. However if users have their own ApplicationServices.ini file this will be read in preference to the system one.

To set up system-wide activation with a licence key, navigate to the directory containing the Software Activation tool and run this command, replacing 123456-123456-123456-123456-123456-123456 by your 36-character activation key.

ccdc_activator -A -a -k 123456-123456-123456-123456-123456-123456

To set up system-wide activation with a local licence server, navigate to the directory containing the Software Activation tool and run this command, replacing "myserver" by your server hostname or IP address and "1234" by the port number you use to connect to it.

ccdc_activator -A -s http://myserver:1234/