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How can I automate the CSD Portfolio installation process


The installer takes a number of commands and arguments that can be used to make the installation automatic and silent. The examples below are for the online installer - if using the offline installer you will also need the --da option (automatically respond to all queries with the default answer).

A typical unattended install command would resemble the following, linux shown here:

   ./CSDInstallerOnline-linux --root /local/myinstall -c --accept-licenses install uk.ac.cam.ccdc

  • --root sets the root installation folder, in this case /local/myinstall
  • -c confirms the start of the installation with no user input
  • --accept-licenses accepts the user licence for the installer
  • install uk.ac.cam.ccdc will install all software and data
    • install uk.ac.cam.ccdc.csd will install just the software
    • install uk.ac.cam.ccdc.data will install just the data

You can also use the --help option for a complete list of available commands and options. For installing specific components, you can view available components by running:

 ./CSDInstallerOnline search

For example, to install Mogul and dependent components, run the following command:

./CSDInstallerOnline-linux –root /local/myinstall -c --accept-licenses install uk.ac.cam.ccdc.csd.mogul


Once the installation is complete, you can activate the software using:


/path/to/installation directory/CCDC/ccdc-utilities/software-activation/ccdc_activator -a -A -k ACTIVATION_KEY