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How do I set up a local CCDC software and data repository?


As of the 2023.1 release, software and data components and updates are downloaded via repositories. By default the CCDC online repositories are used, however it is possible to set up a local repository. This allows you to keep all install files behind your firewall. Software installed this way will also use this local repository to check for updates so can be used to control when you make updates available to users. To set up a local repository, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the offline installer and run it at the command line with the argument --cl. The installer can be run either in GUI mode or at the command line as long as this extra argument is given. An example command for an unattended install on Windows in N:\CCDC is

    CSDInstallerOffline-2023.1-windows.exe --root N:\CCDC --cl -c --da --accept-licences install uk.ac.cam.ccdc

  2. Install all software and data. Once done, a repository directory will be created in the entered install location.

  3. When running the online installer, use the settings repository tab and deselect the default CCDC repositories and add the local repository as a user defined repository. This can be done either using file:/// and the system path to the repository folder, or the repository folder can be made available on a web server and accessed via http://.

Note that the local repository will require about 20GB of additional disk space.